Increase Your Profits With These Concrete Polishing Tips
One of the most common flooring options that are becoming more and more popular nowadays is having polished concrete floors. One nugget to take is that the key to high profits is through polishing high-quality work. Although this may seem like a simple concept, beginning to be able to produce high-quality polished concrete is not an easy task. Even if you are not working as a polished concrete contractor, this article will give you tips on how to be one.
#1: Before starting, inspect the slab. There are a lot of variables that come into the concept when polishing concretes. The best way to make sure that you are doing a great job and a quality of work that your client wants is to understand what kind of slab you are working with while polishing. If you fail on your attempt, your product will not look the same as you promised your customer which then results in dissatisfaction and leaving you more work to do.
#2: Opt to choose the right diamond tooling. Picking a high-quality tooling that is cost-effective will make sure that you can keep up with the profits in your wallet rather than waste them on bad tooling choices. A right diamond tooling includes the correct metal bonds, resins, and chemicals in the concrete polishing process IS A MUST.
#3: Figure out and choose the right speed. Although a fast work might impress your client, it is not always the best thing to do. You will have to figure out the right optimal speed for each grinder to result in an effective grinding or polishing. Making it faster than it should will reduce your torque and will tend not to dig into the slab, and will even create more work for you.
#4: Have it dried polish. This does not mean that polishing wet is a bad option, but polishing dry will prove to be better in most situations. This is because you will be able to inspect the scratch patterns easier thus, you will see the spots that you will need to perfect.
#5: Inspect your scratch patterns. When polishing, it is important that you have even scratch pattern before moving onto your next step so you’ll make your polish turn out evenly. If you do not make your scratch pattern even, you may have to go back over the entire are again.
Following these tips will allow you to increase your quality of polishing concrete floors and help you reduce time and expenses.